Sunday, November 05, 2006

映画評】The White Countess/上海の伯爵夫人 

1930年代、上海は国際都市であった ― と言っても、西欧からやって来た一握りの上流階級の話ではあるが。彼らはナイトクラブをはしごし、時の中国のカオスの只中にいた。中華民国を自国に割譲する機会をうかがうしたたかな権力者がいる一方、戦禍と権力政治に嫌気のさした元アメリカ外交官ジャクソンのような者もいた。そして、落ちぶれたロシア貴族であるソフィアの家族の姿も。
In late 1930s, Shanghai was an international city - only for the upper-class came from Western big powers - a place to indulge themselves with extravagant nightlife or to target an acquisition of larger portion of then chaotic China.
There were, in contrast, some disillusioned diplomats like Jackson (Ralph Fiennes) or reduced aristocratic families such as Sofia’s family.

当時、ジャクソンは爆発事故で最愛の妻と娘を亡くし、自身も視力を失っていたのだ。ジャクソンの夢を叶えるには、バーに花を添えることのできる美しいマダム… ソフィアの存在こそが求められていた…
Sofia (Natasha Richardson), White Russian countess, has escaped from the Bolshevik Revolution, now working as a taxi-dancer for her dead husband relatives. Meanwhile, Jackson, once a US diplomat, now only has a dream to own a perfect bar where people chat and dance without worrying about tomorrow’s real politics, after losing not only his sight but his wife and daughter at bombings.

Shanghai, now, is changing its shape once again as a cosmopolitan city welcoming massive foreign investment and fearlessly speeding its growth rate.

This film ends with Japanese invasion while the situation in the 21-century seems quite different. China won’t be invaded in current global society but the real threat for the government is an internal factor; its people who are having critical minds.

By Mari

Film review written at Jomec, March 2006. Japanese review added on 5 November 2006.
Photos (C) Merchant Ivory Productions/WISEPOLICY+TOHO-TOWA, and Sony Pictures